Invisible Armor Texture Pack for Minecraft PE

Version MCPE 1.14.0 - 1.20.1 for Android
Get it for free!

Have you ever dreamed of becoming an invisible ninja in the virtual world of Minecraft PE? Well, now you can make that dream come true with the Invisible Armor Texture Pack! This innovative and exciting texture pack allows you to don invisible armor, making you practically invisible to other players. With this pack, you can truly become the ultimate stealth master in the game.

Embrace the Power of Invisibility

The Invisible Armor Texture Pack offers a unique and thrilling gameplay experience. By equipping this invisible armor, you can blend seamlessly into your surroundings, making it harder for other players to detect your presence. Whether you want to surprise your friends in a PvP battle or explore the game world unnoticed, this texture pack is perfect for you.

Customizable and Compatible

One of the best features of the Invisible Armor Texture Pack is its customizability. You can choose to make your entire armor set invisible or select specific pieces to remain visible. This allows you to strike the perfect balance between stealth and style. Additionally, this texture pack is compatible with Minecraft PE, so you can enjoy all its benefits on your mobile device.

Easy Installation and User-Friendly

Installing the Invisible Armor Texture Pack is a breeze. Simply download the pack and import it into your Minecraft PE game. No complicated procedures or technical knowledge required! Once installed, you can easily activate the invisible armor in the game settings menu. The pack also comes with a user-friendly interface, making it accessible for players of all ages.


The Invisible Armor Texture Pack for Minecraft PE is a game-changer for those who enjoy the thrill of stealth and surprise. With this pack, you can unleash your inner ninja and become the master of invisibility in the Minecraft world. So, what are you waiting for? Grab the Invisible Armor Texture Pack today and start your journey towards becoming the ultimate stealth warrior!


  • How do I install this texture pack?

    The file is in .mcpack extension, so just tap on the file to automatically install the modification.
  • What if the texture pack doesn't work?

    Try to activate the experimental game mode.
  • Can this texture pack be run in a multiplayer game?

    Yes, for this it is enough just to be the owner of the map and install this modification on it.