Minecraft PE 0.15.4

Version MCPE for Android
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Minecraft PE 0.15.4 introduces an exciting addition to the game - redstone circuits and pistons! With the implementation of these new features, players can now bring their contraptions to life. Redstone circuits allow for the creation of complex mechanisms, adding a whole new level of automation to your Minecraft world. Pistons, on the other hand, enable players to push and pull blocks, opening up endless possibilities for creative designs and engineering marvels.

2. Ocean Monuments

Embark on a deep-sea adventure with the introduction of ocean monuments in Minecraft PE 0.15.4. These massive structures can be found deep underwater and offer a challenging experience for brave explorers. Inside, you'll encounter dangerous guardians and mysterious treasures waiting to be discovered. Make sure to come prepared with your best gear and strategies as these monuments will test your survival skills like never before.

3. New Biomes

Get ready to explore new and diverse landscapes with the introduction of new biomes in Minecraft PE 0.15.4! From the icy cold of the Ice Plains biome to the lush greenery of the Roofed Forest biome, there's something for every adventurer. Each biome comes with its own unique features, resources, and mobs, making exploration more exciting than ever. Whether you're searching for rare materials or looking to build your dream home in a picturesque setting, these new biomes will satisfy your exploration cravings.

4. Command Blocks

Unleash your inner game developer with the addition of command blocks in Minecraft PE 0.15.4! Command blocks allow players to execute custom commands and create unique gameplay experiences. Whether you want to set up intricate redstone contraptions, create mini-games for your friends, or even build your own adventure maps, the possibilities are limitless. With the power of command blocks at your fingertips, you become the master of your own Minecraft universe.

5. Bug Fixes and Improvements

In addition to the exciting new features, Minecraft PE 0.15.4 also includes numerous bug fixes and improvements. The developers have worked diligently to address various issues reported by the community, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience. From fixing graphical glitches to enhancing performance, this update aims to provide players with a more polished and stable version of Minecraft PE.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Minecraft PE 0.15.4 and experience all the new features and improvements it has to offer. Whether you're a redstone enthusiast, an avid explorer, or a creative builder, this update will surely keep you entertained for hours on end.


  • Can textures be installed without BlockLauncher?

    Yes, for this you need to drop the folder with the texture pack along the path games/com.mojang/resource_packs.
  • How to ride a pig?

    For this, a saddle must be used.
  • How to craft a saddle?

    It can only be found in various structures and dungeons.