Minecraft PE 0.15.7

Version MCPE for Android
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Minecraft PE 0.15.7 introduces a highly anticipated feature from the Java edition of the game – pistons! Pistons are mechanical blocks that can push and pull other blocks, opening up a world of possibilities for creating complex contraptions. With pistons, you can create hidden doors, elevators, and even automated farms. Redstone, the power source for pistons and other redstone contraptions, has also been added. Now you can build intricate circuits and mechanisms to automate tasks and create amazing redstone-powered creations.

2. Observer Blocks

Observer blocks are another exciting addition to Minecraft PE 0.15.7. These blocks detect changes in the surrounding environment and emit redstone signals accordingly. They are great for creating automated systems that react to changes in the game world. For example, you can use observer blocks to trigger a trap when a player enters a specific area or activate a dispenser to shoot arrows at hostile mobs.

3. Shulker Boxes

Shulker boxes are a type of storage container that can hold up to 27 items, just like regular chests. However, unlike chests, shulker boxes can be picked up and moved with their contents intact. This makes them incredibly useful for organizing your inventory or transporting items over long distances. Shulker boxes also retain their inventory when placed in other containers, ensuring that your items are always safe and sound.

4. Polar Bears

Minecraft PE 0.15.7 introduces polar bears to the game. These majestic creatures can be found in icy biomes, such as snowy tundras. Polar bears are not hostile unless provoked, but be careful not to get too close to them when they have cubs around, as they will fiercely defend their offspring. You can also tame and breed polar bears, adding a touch of wildlife to your Minecraft adventures.

5. Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

In addition to the exciting new features, Minecraft PE 0.15.7 includes various bug fixes and performance improvements. This ensures a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience, with fewer crashes and glitches. The developers have been actively listening to player feedback and addressing issues to make Minecraft PE even better.

Minecraft PE 0.15.7 brings a wealth of new features and improvements to the game, expanding the possibilities for creativity and exploration. Whether you're a redstone enthusiast, a builder, or an adventurer, this update has something for everyone. So grab your pickaxe and venture into the blocky world of Minecraft PE 0.15.7 for endless hours of fun.


  • Can textures be installed without BlockLauncher?

    Yes, for this you need to drop the folder with the texture pack along the path games/com.mojang/resource_packs.
  • How to ride a pig?

    For this, a saddle must be used.
  • How to craft a saddle?

    It can only be found in various structures and dungeons.