Minecraft PE

Version MCPE for Android
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Minecraft PE brings exciting new features and enhancements that take your gameplay experience to the next level. From new mobs to bug fixes, this update offers a range of improvements that will keep you engaged and entertained for hours.

New Mobs

One of the highlights of this update is the addition of new mobs. Get ready to encounter the adorable pandas in bamboo-filled biomes. These cuddly creatures come with their unique behaviors and can be bred using bamboo. Additionally, stray cats can now spawn in villages, adding a touch of feline companionship to your Minecraft world.

Character Creator

Minecraft PE introduces the long-awaited Character Creator. Now you can customize your character's appearance with a variety of options, including hairstyles, skin tones, and clothing. Show off your personal style and make your character truly stand out in the vast world of Minecraft.

Command Improvements

This update also brings exciting improvements to commands. Players can now use the '/teleport' command to move entities in various dimensions, opening up endless possibilities for creative gameplay. The '/spreadplayers' command has also been enhanced, allowing for smoother and more precise teleportation.

Bug Fixes and General Improvements

In addition to all the new features, Minecraft PE addresses several bugs and issues found in previous versions. The developers have worked hard to improve the overall stability and performance of the game, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable experience for players.


Minecraft PE is a must-have update for all Minecraft enthusiasts. With new mobs, character customization, and command improvements, this update brings a fresh wave of excitement to the game. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the Minecraft world, this update is sure to enhance your gameplay experience and keep you hooked for hours on end. So grab your pickaxe and start exploring the updated Minecraft universe today!


  • What do I with scoreboards in MCPE

    One should set these up only on servers.
  • How do I get a scoreboard working?

    Type /scoreboard and follow the tips.
  • Can I join the Hive?

    Yes, this server is public, and anyone can join it.